Characters created by the AI model using the Sammias designs.
As humans, we create and use narratives all the time. Every video game should include one - it is a key element of delivering the meaningful play. Following J. Hills Miller definition of narratives, structure consists of three elements: situation (series of events that change over time), characters (they represent the narrative) and form (repetition that gives it structure)
Including those elements in the narrative we are going to deliver was a key inspiration when we were thinking about our story. The realistic layer is not that important – it just gives the player a purpose to get into the maze. The main part of the narrative is created by the ghosts he meets in the maze, the supernatural layer of the storyline. They would be a family – mother and twins.
The situation element is delivered by chasing the dog, that runs away into the Maze, and then getting the clear message that it is in the centre of the structure with the mother ghost. Also, the key part of the narrative is relieving the twins of their pain and bond to the maze – what the player does by interacting with them and listening to their story. The final act of the game, meeting their mother, acts as the climax of the story. The characters we use in our story are going to be strong and act as the fundament of the storytelling. The form of our narrative is going to be shaped by the cutscenes included in the game and repetitiveness of sound, scenery and characters met.