The main goal of the research published in this report is practical - I aim to use them to deliver my roles within the team, which are main level designer and second programmer. Following this understanding, I will approach the researched topics in the wide context of the level and environment design and in the narrower context of blueprint programming.
This section of the blog would be dedicated to the outlining of the researched problems. Detailed description and illustrations would be presented in the separate blog entries.

1. Level design. Blocking - different tools.
2. Level design. Building - different methods.
3. Level design - texturing the level, details.
4. Environment design - creating a background landscape and texturing it. Adding the weather system.
5. Environment design - introducing sound to the level. (Not included in the blog - requires more work)
6. Blueprint programming - Word puzzle in the game. (Not included in the blog - requires more work)