What is a design process without using references? In this entry, I would present some media I used when creating the environment and level itself.

Labyrinth (1986) A classic film by Jim Henson, one of the best examples of a heroine finding its way through the maze to rescue someone. Quite inspiring when concepting the level and the story - our project includes the rescue trope and multiple challenges within.

The Maze Runner (2014) movie by Wess Nall. Great inspiration in terms of level design - the final look of the Maze - textures, colours, plants on it, the Maze gradually getting higher - is very much inspired by the one from the movie.

Amnesia: Rebirth (2020) survival horror video game developed and published by Frictional Games. Very inspiring in terms of the type of gameplay we are aiming to achieve - the game is first person, does not feature any combat system, and relies on search for a companion as the main objective. The game level is also not obvious to navigate through.

Layers of Fear (2016) is a psychological horror adventure game developed by Bloober Team and published by Aspyr. Also first person perspective game, also action adventure horror.